Bell Works in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, represents a groundbreaking approach to suburban redevelopment, transforming a former corporate facility into a thriving ‘Metroburb.’ Initially constructed in 1990 as the Ameritech Center, the 1.65-million-square-foot facility sat vacant for years until Somerset Development reimagined it into a mixed-use hub. Today, Bell Works offers a unique blend of offices, retail, entertainment, hospitality, and wellness spaces on a sprawling 150-acre campus, redefining how communities work and live in Chicago’s northwest suburbs.
At the heart of Bell Works lies its iconic atrium, a vast, well-lit space serving as the “Main Street” for the ‘Metroburb.’ As the General Contractor and Construction Manager, ML Group led the complex renovation of this central feature. The atrium’s 1990s original design required significant modernization to align with today’s workplace and aesthetic standards. This undertaking involved updating fire protection systems, enhancing smoke barriers, and improving structural elements while simultaneously creating an open and inviting space.
Executing this renovation in phases required close collaboration with Somerset Development, NPZ Studio, and other stakeholders in an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) process. Our team prioritized precision, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing activities while delivering on tight schedules.
Today, Bell Works is a workplace destination like no other, offering flexible pre-built office suites ranging from 500 to 5,000 square feet. These suites cater to businesses seeking modern, short-term leasing options. ML Group’s work at Bell Works demonstrates our ability to manage complex construction projects that blend innovation, collaboration, and excellence.